Paul Wallis - As a Senior Churchman, Paul served for 33 years as a Church Doctor, a Theological Educator, and an Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia. He has published numerous titles on christian mysticism and spirituality and is a popular speaker at conferences around the world.

Paul Wallis
“Earth is a projection or likeness of another realm that we cannot see the whole universe he says is contained in microcosm in things we can study on earth and that is cutting-edge science that’s something quantum researchers are telling us today but Hermes is absolutely confident that if we will study and remember and listen to the almost lost notes of ancestral memory that presence of goodness which freely favors the welfare of human beings will re-emerge and reorder how we live together on planet Earth in the words of Hermes to Asclepius such is the new birth of the cosmos a making again of all things good a purer and more inspiring restoration of all nature all to unfold in the passage of time by the eternal will of the creator….

"Do not worship the powerful ones of your Sumerian Heritage"

By "the 5th Kind" Paul Wallis

I have been listening to Paul a lot recently since I have discovered him :). I was born in 1961 and living in South Africa and prior to the internet – information was in books! So I read a lot, everything I could get my hands on really.

I read a lot of authors such as Evelyn Underhill, Erich von Däniken, Credo Mutwa and his book Indaba my People, Jewish mystical thought and some eastern traditions too. But what I am finding out now is that all these many thoughts are converging. I think it must be the 40 – 50 years in between then and now that has brought much change.

The other thing I find very interesting about Paul’s work, is that it is based on understanding what I call root words, as he is a scholar of ancient Hebrew and more. His approach to the past it seems started out wanting to understand the Bible better. And as he learned more about interpretation, he was discovering the Bible was talking about something different that what we are taught today. Although I have not read or watched anything to this effect, I can surmise this would have been a crisis of sorts for him. Whenever we are presented with information different than what we have been taught and accept as true, it brings about an identity crisis. It is real and it is deep. Very much a Saul / Paul moment! Our psyche, our psychology and understanding of who we are as a person is deeply rooted in these places. So when that is challenged, who we are as a person, how we see ourselves, is also challenged.

But these challenges are transformational and are a part of the mystical journey of the hero.

Ancestral Memory

Very specifically about this video I am watching today, is the talk about ancestral memory. I have something I am going to share with you soon, and that is my ability to see pattern. I have highlighted a portion of the transcript talking about those patterns, of the small within the large because in it, I believe we have powerful answers and an enormous door not only to the divine, but our place within the creator’s heart.

Paul says of Asclepius: “but Hermes is absolutely confident that if we will study and remember and listen to the almost lost notes of ancestral memory that presence of goodness which freely favors the welfare of human beings will re-emerge and reorder how we live together on planet Earth…”

I believe what he is calling ancestral memory is what I call source code. It is the living word of God on our heart, literally, because just like the words on this page, this language that is decoded and understood as literature, the same is true of the patterns of the universe. It is God’s own language to His creation!

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