Video Time Segments

  • 59 s – Cody is Blind
  • 3:48 – frantic energy of Cody – he is not in calm surrender
  • 4:15 – being fed instability
  • 6:16 – You try to help them using human psychology
  • 6:28 – Living in the past or the future.
  • 7:03 – What have you accomplished?
  • 8:24 – Ease and Surrender
  • 10:22 – Don’t share that energy
  • 11:56 – Can he trust me?


Prayer & Manifesting

There are patterns and teaching everywhere! I love watching Cesar Milan as he shares the psychology between dogs and people… But it’s more than about dogs… it’s about us!

I am going to give you the time stamps on his video and link it to the text I am writing to show you what it is we do wrong, in alignment, in prayer and surrender. If we are in a state of fear then the universe will bring to us exactly who we are! But how to surrender???

59 seconds – Cody is Blind & so is Olivia

  • What does it mean?  It talks about when we can’t see our future…
  • Baby proof the house – this is talking about trauma and how we change our lives based on trauma.
  • Although we are focusing on the dog – you actually see Cody’s behaviour is changing because she is changing her relationship with Cody.
  • Olivia uses gloves – symbolic of us using ‘kid gloves’ in a situation making it worse.
  • Cody goes into ‘rage fits’ … my question would be “Whose rage is it?” what happens in shapes is that in this case Cody is taking Olivia’s rage. Looking at her you would not see rage… it is passive. But not knowing how to deal with anger instead she becomes very anxious and nervous. So Cody then is bringing up things for Olivia to deal with. It is not the dog, it is her.

It may have been that Olivia being young, may have felt more secure with her dog companion and when he went blind she felt unprotected. But the dog also represents an aspect of ourselves. It is what we repress that defines our life. The relationship Olivia has with Cody is the same relationship she has with the universe, with life. It is easy to see watching someone else and what they are working on… a whole lot harder to see our own!

This is true for us also… our relationship with an animal is the same relationship we have with the universe. And this is where it gets interesting…

Soul food

Another word for our relationships, is our prayer.

How we are… the state of our relationships is our prayer. Prayer is a state of being. We often use verbal prayer as a stepping stone to change our state. If our ‘prayer’ is an ongoing state of anxiety then our relationship is reinforced in anxiety. Can you see what I am saying?

3:48 The Conversation with Cody

Cesar talks about the conversation she is having with Cody…. It is very important to see that it IS a conversation

in our human world we think only words are a conversation because we talk so much. He talks about the energetic conversation. You can think about it as a conversation of relationships. The conversation is “If you do this then I will do that.”

Jesus taught “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This is the single thing we need to learn to become what we want to be and to create the world we want to experience. Cesar calls it calm surrender. We need to look at that more.

4:15  Being fed instability.

This is a beautiful concept because it is talking about what we feed our spirit with. In this case Olivia was anxious and feeding Cody only anxiety. What are we feeding ourselves with? What is our expression in the world? Your life will always reflect to you who you are. That is the essence of the shapes teaching and the work I do with the whiteboard. It is to see the reflection of yourself and your relationships in the world.

Cesar can see she is not understanding ‘conversation’ and when she talks about playing with a toy he uses that opportunity to let her see there are so many other ways to communicate and this one, is through smell. How does her dog know what’s going on in her mind and heart?

Why we don't walk with God

6:16  You try to help them using human psychology

In this I would say that we use our day to day rationale to work through things. Things are more obvious. It is our traditional way to view the world and engage in problem solving.

When Cesar says she is trying to help the dog and save him from hurting himself… that is our own rationale. We don’t want to get hurt. That is our prayer… our state of being. That is the conversation and as you can see, it is fear based. So the communication with Cody is fear based. It communicates to him that she does not think he is ok.

What is of God/Universe is always with us. You could say God walks with us,is always with us. It is we who don’t walk with God. Why is that? Remember – where you look is where you go. If we are led by fear then it is to fear we look to keep us safe. That thing we think is important is what separates us from living our deepest heart and living the most profound life.

There are elements that are commonly known to be saintly or esteemed, like people who have deep compassion, love and caring. If those were the qualities you find important then they are more of God. You could make these things your focus and try to live these as your faith. You could spend time thinking about what qualities are important to you, what will take you into a more divine or magical experience of the world and name those qualities, and in that way you are changing your prayer.


6:28  Living in the past or the future

Cesar is so patient! It is an amazing quality he has! For the next minute or two in this video you will see how she never gives herself (or Cody) a chance because she is working things out in her mind based on her expectations… her beliefs, her “prayer”, and cannot change because she is too in her mind. Listen to what Cesar says about her state of mind.

You can see she is kind of argumentative. More passive aggressive toward what Cesar is showing her regarding the treats. She believes you should not use treats to reward behaviour. Most likely in her life her attitude will be that you shouldn’t expect to get more… only what you work for. There is not a lot of happiness or softness in her life because of this belief.

7:03  What have we accomplished?

This is the nullification of an action. What you do is not important. It doesn’t matter. It is a naysayer.The reason I can hear these things in the words and actions is because I am listening to the heart, to the beliefs. I am listening to what she is really saying.

In the mind, it is an intellectual discourse. Discussing facts. Or ideas. But “energy” is of the heart. It is your state, the state or stance in your life.

Cesar describes it as guilt or feeling sorry. An obsessive energy. But I have to tell you we all do that. We fight to hold onto our beliefs. That in itself is neurotic. Just so you know, we ALL engage in this to some extent. That is why we are stuck in our lives. Here she is fighting for the belief that “it is not enough”. Your present action does not matter and will not change anything.

She has a lot of anxiety about who and what is rewarded. Her conversation is not about the dog getting a reward. Her real conversation is that he SHOULDN’T get a reward. translate – SHE is not allowed to be rewarded.

Ease & Surrender

Living Your Faith/Belief

As part of a spiritual way of living, we think about it as ‘living our faith’ or ‘living faith’. It is true it is living as we are in the present state of being alive, and what happens is that our faith so to speak, is what we believe.

Olivia is very courageous and opens herself up to this process. She allows vulnerability and brings all her anxieties into the open to be seen. How many of us can do this?

8:24  Ease and Surrender

What was accomplished? That it can be easy. How many of us want ease in our lives and have a ton of struggle or obstacles that always crop up? Where you look is where you go… if you are driving and looking at the cows in the field, then you are in the field with the cows and driving off the road! Your reality is created by where your attention is focused, on the inner conversation.

Cesar is teaching her about the importance of ease, and with that, surrender. Her stance – she shouldn’t get what she wants… therefor neither should her dog. It is the ‘rules’ of her world. And listening to Cesar talk about guilt, my guess would be in her life guilt was used to correct behaviour and orchestrate an outcome.

10:22  Don’t share that energy

In her anxiety she is projecting everything she knows… in this case well the past was this way so that is the way Cody will continue to be. How can you make change in your life if you are always ‘sharing the energy’ of your past, the failures or whatever it is you want to change from? It means you are always bringing it into the present and recreating that thing.

If you want to pray a different prayer, you need to become a different relationship, have an uplifted experience in your heart. Where you look is where you go.

“He is not fighting you” – remember earlier on I said she was fighting everything? Here she is seeing it her dog. It is what he did. But he does not fight Cesar… Why? Cesar doesn’t have that belief system in his life.


11:56  Can he trust me?

This is quite important. Because Cesar can let the dog be a dog, then the dog is free in his nature. In this way, in our lives, if we give projection to something, then that thing is under our ‘control’ and is not free. Because it is not free, then we are not free either. Very important.

What is surrender? It means letting go. Letting go of the need to react. Surrendering to the moment… letting go of fear. I have given it a few different names, but at its heart, surrender means returning to our essential true inner nature – through letting go. Seeing a dog surrender is a very powerful picture for us as it shows us how we need to be inside. You want to manifest? You want your prayers answered? You need to let go, to surrender… and as some people say, become the change you want to see in the world.

Can he trust me? Of course… because he knows I see him. He knows I am not judging him. He feels safe within my gaze.

Bonds of Love


A Practice of Trust

Her dog is blind to teach her how to see. This is the bond of love between Cody and Olivia. How wonderful the world is! That we all take on shapes for and from each other, being vulnerable even though it seems scary and out of control… and we do it from a deep place, of love for each other. Often we are not aware of this and are in the world that seems tumultuous. But if you can see the deeper things, then you are more of the world of heaven than of what we would think of as the mundane world.

If you look at Cesar, he is of the world of love and teaches people how to sort out their relationships with their pets. His world is full of miracles and people are astounded at how he accomplishes what he does with animals. Miracles always come out of love.

If you live your love then your world will also blossom with miracles and wonder.

Practising trust is to surrender, to let go of fear, to just let go. Practising trust means that you are always looking for the faith, which is your deepest heart. In your deepest heart is the place where you know what is sacred, what is silent and speaks to you of great things. To be there no matter what is happening in the world, is to walk as a Christ, to walk in the love of God. There are so many ways to say this, but mostly, it is the goal of every man woman and child.

1 Comment
  1. Shannon 1 month ago


    I have watched and read this twice now and I will continue again. This is so powerful! There’s so much value in your explanation of this clip on how to draw out, understand and use the wisdom for ourselves. There’s so much to unpack and apply to our own lives, through your lens, what a gift.
    You will change people’s lives teaching this!

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