
Sharing with You

The Prelude

I have been building this site and adding posts to it for the day I really launch. My work has largely approached spiritual development and as I get closer to the mountain top, many paths are coming together for me.

My Declaration, My Intention

Today after watching a few videos and doing my walking meditation/ or prayer walk I saw what I need to do and this is the reason for this post.

I am opening up my journey to you that you can participate with me, see the things I see and practice these same techniques that you too can be free. My journey is about bi-location, quantum jumping and the like. Each step I take, some forward and some backward, I will post here for you.

The Source Code, The Word.... Sound

We need to have a conversation. It needs to be now, live and here. Being that the world is changing so rapidly now I believe we are a living conversation and out of that conversation new worlds will form.

As you might know, I have said there is a source code, something incorruptible, and un-corrupted. That we can access it to have healing and restoration. Some people call it God, others Source and so on.

I have had deep mystical experiences and I also then have a ‘feeling’ and a ‘place’ of that Source Code or God. In the walks that I have taught, I can see that the reason the energy moved is because I am able to move those feelings into the mind into a single focus. But I can see that I need to trace that pattern back to be able to give it to you.

Now as part of the “code” I have just seen that it is a single point of our lives here. I need to share a little bit about the code pattern. The code is a construct. It is like a geometric pattern, and it is more than that. It is a symbol. It is the Word of God. It is the original creation. It is like a flute and the breath of God if you will flows through the flute and so we are created here.

The Symbol and The Mountain

I have said there is one mountain and 1000 roads up the mountain. At the top all roads come together to the single point. I have also said that if you follow love, then love will teach you. It does not matter where you go, the path up the mountain, if you follow what your heart loves, you will reach the top.

So for me it is not that I would teach there is one path… there are 1000’s of path. If there is one path, it is you. You are the destination and the journey.

That is where the Symbol comes in. I am just going to say it and explanations can come later. There is only one Symbol, only one word but there are 10,000 and more expressions of that Symbol. Those expressions are both stories and belief systems. Even if something bad were to occur, the story cannot but help but to speak of the Source Code or Symbol.

There is a great story I love. It is that God and the Devil were on a mountain and the Devil was saying he was as great as God and would show how he could create. So the Devil bent down to pick up some dirt to begin his creation of his own beings. God interrupted and said ” uh ugh ugh… wagging his finger… Get your own dirt.”

That is so amazing. The very basis of this world all comes from Source Code and that means no matter how things are twisted, genetically modified and so on, because it is made from ‘Source Dirt’… we will always be taken back to Source.

Because of this, all stories, all belief systems, everything… is a part of the Source Code.

The Puzzle

It doesn’t matter to me which language I speak… Christian, Buddhist, Shamanic… it is all the same.


Understanding the Puzzle

The Symbol is a construct.

Understanding the Symbol is like a gigantic puzzle for me. Tons of pieces are scattered around in all these stories. Because I work with feeling, the pieces come together and they ‘click’ in place for me. I have not studied as universities and schools put information out. I only ‘know’ when pieces are right and a picture comes together. The story. It is a path.

I have ideas about where something might be going.   I sometimes refer to them as suspicions or hypotheses.

So back to the puzzle. All these pieces come together from many worlds, many works and when I find the picture and it makes sense, then I can re-interpret it into other belief systems.

It is a wonderful and exciting world we are living in!


I had written we are like a ship in the harbor and once we have built the ship and tested it out, it is time to leave the harbour and sail the high seas!

In the next post I will start with the videos I have been watching and show how they are linking and the picture that is forming before me.

Thank you so much for reading this and being a part of the conversation with me!




All these beautiful pictures are from Pixabay and uploaded by Image by Thomas G. from Pixabay


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