Luisa Piccarreta: I have seen the PASSION OF CHRIST, the moving words of Jesus scourged!

Video By "Christian Way"

These things are so hard for me to hear. It has always been in my heart to be there for people who need, one who is listening, one who is sitting beside another so that none is ever alone. And when I think of Jesus in that pain, I too want to be there for him. Sometimes that sounds so forward of me, and yet it is something Jesus welcomes as seen by this sharing he does with his saints.

I am terrified of pain and yet I believe God will give graces that we can walk forward in trust with Him, trusting our very lives to Him. I know that to give our lives is expected but in my experience, the door opens and we walk in, and that is the beginning of the journey with Jesus. I think as we walk, our faith deepens and our love too, so that we can always see one more step, one more place we can surrender and be vulnerable to God.

Jesus' words to Luisa

Be silent oh child. It was necessary for me to be stripped to atone for the many who stripped themselves of every modesty, every Purity and every innocence; who strip themselves of every good and virtue of my grace and clothe themselves in every ugliness living like brutes. With my virginal blush I repair the many dishonesties, the indulgences and the many brutal pleasures. So pay attention to what I do and pray and repair together with me.

A part of Luisa's prayer

oh Jesus Scourge my hands so that every action I undertake, every task I complete bears the imprint of your love. Oh Jesus, may your Scourge strike my feet binding them closely to yours so that I am LED only where you will, drawing others to love you.

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